Wednesday, August 20, 2008


on september 2nd i begin a whole new chapter of my life. its been freaking me out a lot lately. so much, in fact, that im having a hard time progressing with my moving out. you see, my parents want all my stuff out of my room so they can take it over and make it miserable for me to come home during holidays. it sucks. add that to the stress of starting college [and i have really bad procrastination problems when it comes to homework], getting a new job because i quit my old one, and meeting the person im going to be living with for the next year, and you can tell ive got a lot on my plate. i know everything will more or less work out, but still. at least ive got the class schedule i want and i can sleep in later than i used to for high school. it was weird a little bit to drive past grossmonts campus and see all the cars in the parking lot... i felt kind of like i was ditching. not that it wouldve been the first time, but still. i cant wait until i go to visit some of my old teachers... especially mr neill and mr bradley. i feel that out of all my high school teachers, they impacted my life the most. i miss all my younger friends and am really excited to go to the first football game of the year... not only for grossmont to visit old friends, but also for sdsu [theyre giving away free jerseys for the first 20,000 people who go to the game!!]. well, i think that thats a good re-start on my blogging experience for now. plus im tired. goodnight.

Monday, April 7, 2008


they unlocked my blog!!!

oh man, life is crazy right now. prom, graduation, everything.

wish me luck at cheer tryouts next week!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


oh. my. gosh.
i am such a lazy, selfish, unmotivated person.
and i am disgusting.
it took me foreeeevvvvvveerrrrrrrr to do my stupid, easy chores today.
will i ever overcome my addiction?
i hope the answer is yes.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


so today i went down to seaport village to work on my portfolio... it was really relaxing. i had a lot of fun taking pictures. i just wish they would come out already edited the way i see them instead of how they look in real life. whatever. then i went home and dan took pictures of me in the backyard. surprisingly, a lot of them turned out really good.... after photoshop that is. lol. then i picked up jeff from the train station and we went to the drivein. i fell asleep during the second movie but i really liked drillbit taylor. sooooooooo funny. :] then we went to dennys off main. service was horrible. whatever. and now i cant sleep. insomnia suuuuuuuucks.